There were only a couple minor updates on the progress of my two CAFE RACER projects. The biggest of the two being that I got to fire up the Honda CL360 for the first time. It sounds mean! I have a feeling I could be getting into some noise pollution trouble with this thing if I'm riding either late at night or really early in the morning. Perfect. At any rate, drivers won't miss me when I'm out on the road. I am still waiting on the tank paint to finish so I can strap it on and cruise on this thing for the first time. Hopefully by next weekend.
I had received a call from Justin's Cycles on Monday morning of last week. Justin had let me know that the carbs were leaking slightly and wondered if I had rebuilt them or anything and I said no. I just stripped the paint and got them looking good. I didn't want to rebuild them until we tried them out and knew for sure they were going to need it. He insisted they did. So another $100 dollars out the window and an additional $25 for a new push throttle cable since the one I had on there was no good. I had replaced the pull throttle cable but never could find a push on Ebay so I figured I'd just reuse the one I had. Wrong! The throttle does feel much more responsive now, so well worth the money. This should be it for a long while as far as expenses on this build go. Since this has been such an expensive first build, I've decided not to sell the CL360, as there's no way in hell I'd get anything close to what I've put into it. So that leaves the Honda CB650 C...
The goal will be to sell this bike with profit. So far I am looking good to do that. As you can see from the picture, the new shocks have been installed which will give the rear end a higher lift than the stock ones. The crash bars have been removed from around the engine as well. They add weight and make the bike too bulky. I've been playing around with fun concepts for what I plan to do regarding the seat situation but haven't decided on one yet. The mag wheels I will be painting black because it won't cost much money and it will give the bike a much fresher look. This coming week, Justin will be rebuilding and cleaning the carbs and installing the new battery I ordered. The turnaround time on this project will be much, much quicker.
Till next week…keep your throttle open.